Become a member

The multimedia library of the French Institute in Latvia is accessible to everyone: adults, adolescents and children, those who speak French and those who do not, amateurs of French culture or just onlookers. On-site consultation of items (books, films, music and magazines) is free of charge.

In order to borrow books, CDs and DVDs, French magazines, as well as enjoy special benefits and discounts from partners of the French Institute in Latvia, you need to subscribe to our multimedia library and acquire a reader’s card.

Potential users are asked to familiarize themselves with the Readers guide and Conditions of use.


To register at the Multimedia library and obtain a reader’s card one needs to provide:

  • ID document
  • 3×3 cm photograph
  • completed registration form
  • Presentation of the necessary identification for discount eligibility (if applicable)

The reader’s card is prepared on site and becomes valid for one year after payment.

Annual subscription fees at the multimedia library of the French Institute in Latvia

  • Standard fee – 20€
  • Reduced fee (children, adolescents, students, teachers, translators, unemployed, seniors and readers who have been registered for 4 years) – 10€
  • For students of the French Institute in Latvia – free of charge

PLEASE NOTE: Payment for on-site subscriptions can only be made in cash.

Registration forms


The reader’s card allows you to borrow at home various resources in French across all medias (except recent magazines, reference sources and latest editions).

Type of documentNumber of documentsBorrowing term
Books53 weeks


33 weeks

Learning materials

3 books + 1 video + 1 audio

1 week
Magazines31 week
CD41 week
DVD21 week

Out of respect for other members, please do not exceed the authorized borrowing term. A delay penalty of 5 euros per month is applied when the items are not returned on the due date.