French in France
The CAREL Audio-visual Language Training Centre was founded in 1966 and has been accredited by the University of Poitiers. The CAREL’ strengths are professional teachers that are taught to work with modern equipment in the field of teaching language, individual approach and exceptional multimedia equipment and dynamic animation service. CAREL Training Centre offers courses for adults with different language proficiency levels throughout the year, as well as courses for adolescents (from A2 level) in July.
Learn French language on the Atlantic coast!
Address of the website
CAVILAM-Alliance francaise is a training centre which has been in operation since 1964 and that was founded in Vishy by the Clermont-Ferrand University Association. The training centre is located near the centre of the city of Vichy, and the spacious and modern teaching facilities of the training centre are equipped with modern technical equipment in order to give students and teachers all the opportunities to learn language.
The centre offers classes for adults with different levels of language throughout the year and for adolescents in July and August. The city of Vichy is in the heart of France and it is an ideal place to discover the style of French life, as well as a city from which you can travel to all corners of France.
More information and registration:
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